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How Pediatricians Deal with the Common Health Problems of Your Child

Children in their growing years are more susceptible to illnesses and can fall sick several times a year. As a parent, you need to be extra careful as even minor illnesses can become a hindrance to their growth. A weaker immunity can cause many common health issues in children, and there isn’t much you can do to avoid them.

A pediatrician helps you take care of the overall health and wellbeing of your child. This includes physical, mental as well as emotional health.

Before you choose a pediatrician in Jacksonville, you need to know about the common health problems of your child and how your pediatrician can help solve these issues.

1. Common cold

The common cold is a very common respiratory issue in children. It is caused by viruses in the upper respiratory tract. Common cold in children occurs 6-8 times a year and can also be as frequent as once every month.

A runny nose, congestion, and cough are some of the signs of the common cold. The treatment of common colds focuses on controlling the symptoms. Increasing fluid intake and care can help your child feel better. A pediatrician will usually not recommend antibiotics for the common cold.

2. Ear pain

Ear pain is another common issue and can be due to infection in the ear canal or pressure from cold and sinus infections. Teeth pain can also be a possible reason for pain in your ear. Ear infections can be very painful and can cause sleepless nights. Hence, it is important to visit your pediatricians in Jacksonville at the earliest.

The pediatrician will conduct a thorough examination of the child’s ear to diagnose the underlying cause. If there are other signs of illness, your pediatrician may prescribe a dose of antibiotics.

However, many ear infections are caused by viruses. In such a case, a pediatrician may not recommend a dose of antibiotic. They can suggest ways to relieve the ear pain until the virus runs its course.

3. Gastroenteritis

Another common health problem with children is Gastroenteritis. This refers to the bowel infection, and the common symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, nausea, stomach cramps, and in some cases, fever.

Gastroenteritis is not a severe concern and can be treated by home care. A pediatrician may recommend zinc supplements and oral rehydration solution to maintain the fluid levels in the body.

However, in some cases, the dehydration can be severe and the child may need to get hospitalized.

4. Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infections are common in infants, teenagers, and even young adults. This occurs due to bacterial growth in any part of the urinary tract. Some of the common symptoms of the infection include frequent urination, pain while urinating, burning sensation, abdominal pain side or back pain, etc.

Your pediatrician will first require a urine test to determine the type of bacteria causing the infection. Depending on the bacteria found your doctor will recommend a suitable course of medication.

These are some of the common issues that can affect your child. Other issues include sore throat, cough, skin infection, etc. A pediatrician in Jacksonville can help you detect and treat the above health concerns through physical exams, diagnosis, and a suitable course of medication.

However, if the situation does not improve, your child may need specialized treatment. Your pediatrician may suggest a specialist that can help address the medical needs of your child.

In addition to this, pediatricians also help your children prevent diseases by following the proper immunization schedule. This is not only necessary but also mandatory to get your child vaccinated on time to reduce the chances of future ailments.

What is HydraFacial, and What are its Benefits?

The beauty industry is always coming up with new and modern skin treatment procedures. One such new skincare procedure is HydraFacial treatment that has gathered immense popularity in recent times.

Everyone wants smooth, radiant, and youthful skin. However, not all of us have the time for multiple creams, serums, and essential oils. A HydraFacial is provided in medical spas and dermatology offices and can fix acne, pigmentation, wrinkles, dryness, etc.

The procedure is non-invasive and can provide you with the skin of your dreams. The effectiveness of the process has contributed to its popularity. The treatment can be used on any skin type and for any skin condition.

Before you book an appointment for HydraFacial in Salt Lake City, let us learn more about the skin treatment method and its numerous benefits.

What Is HydraFacial?

HydraFacial is a multi-step facial treatment that uses a patented device to deliver all the benefits of a traditional facial and more. The process is one of the quickest methods to get even-toned, glowing skin and reverse the signs of aging.

It cleanses, exfoliates, extracts, and hydrates your skin. The all-in-one treatment session can take about 30-60 minutes and treats many skin issues like large pores, acne, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

With HydraFacial, the results are quick. Many people experience a visible difference in their first session itself. Hence, many people chose HydraFacial for special events like engagement, marriage, birthdays, and other functions. However, to maintain healthy and radiant skin, you must incorporate it into your skincare regime.

HydraFacial provides you with your best skin in the following steps.

1. Cleansing and exfoliation

Your aesthetician uses a vortex-like wand on your skin to remove dirt and oil from its surface. The skin is gently exfoliated with a hydra peel tip to remove dead cells and sebum.

The circulating motion allows the pores to open up and provides thorough cleansing and exfoliation. The gentle chemical peel is a mix of salicylic and glycolic acids that loosens the debris deep within your pores.

Unlike other chemical peels, it is gentle and does not cause any pain, irritation, or discomfort.

2. Extraction

The next step involves extraction. After the pores are loosened, your aesthetician will use deep vacuum extraction to gently remove the debris and gunk from your pores.

At this stage, you will be able to see all the impurities that are removed from your skin and collected in a cup.

3. Moisturization

The third steps involve hydrating the skin. With a pen-shaped wand, the aesthetician will apply a moisturizing serum with antioxidants to hydrate your skin.

What are the benefits of HydraFacial Treatment?

The benefits of HydraFacial treatment are as follows:

1. It improves signs of aging.

HydraFacial can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your skin. It increases the elasticity and firmness of your skin. The treatments also reduce the pore size and decrease hyperpigmentation.

2. It helps in treating acne and acne scars.

HydraFacial’s can provide a deep exfoliation to your skin that helps in clearing out pores and removes dead skin cells. It lightens the acne scars and also reduces acne.

3. It helps in reducing blackheads.

The deep exfoliation, as well as extraction method, helps in removing blackheads from your skin and provides beautiful and radiant skin.

4. It is suitable for all skin types.

Whether you have dry, oily, or sensitive skin, you can enjoy the numerous benefits of a HydraFacial treatment.

5. It provides quick results.

Hydra facial can instantly give you beautiful skin with even texture. The process is non-invasive and does not cause any redness or other side effects.

6. It always provides an improvement in your skin.

The facial is performed by a special device, and the outcomes are controlled by HydraFacial technology. Hence, it always provides consistent results and creates a visible improvement to your skin.

Cord Blood and Its Uses

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the placenta and umbilical cord post-delivery. This blood is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells. Traditionally, people were unaware of the many benefits of these life-saving stem cells. Hence, it was discarded as medical waste.

However, in recent years cord blood and tissue banking have gathered immense popularity. New parents are encountering a critical decision of whether or not they should store their child’s stem cells.

Before you chose to opt for cord blood and tissue banking, it is essential to understand the process and the numerous uses of cord blood.

Cord blood has numerous benefits and can be used in case of future medical emergencies. Let us discuss these benefits in detail.

What are cord blood and tissue banking?

Cord blood and tissue banking refer to the process of collecting, processing, and cryogenically preserving the cord blood and tissues of your child. The process is very convenient and does not cause any interference with the delivery process. It is a non-invasive and painless procedure that allows you to ensure the future health and wellbeing of your baby.

What are the uses of cord blood banking?

1.  It can treat numerous diseases.

At present, cord blood can help in the treatment of eighty rare diseases. A stem cell transfusion can aid in treating blood disorders, metabolic diseases, sickle cell anemia, immune deficiencies, and many types of cancer.

Storing the stem cells of your child with a private cod blood bank ensures their accessibility whenever required. Hence, cord blood and tissue banking act as a gift of life for your little one.

2.  It has regenerative properties.

Cord blood is rich in hematopoietic stem cells that can morph into cells of any type. Hence, stem cells have regenerative properties. The stem cell transfusion can provide your body with healthy cells required for faster recovery.

3.  It has immense future potential.

Many researchers believe that stem cells have the potential to treat numerous incurable diseases. All over the world, scientists are conducting clinical trials to understand the vast medical advancement that stem cells can create.

The stem can be a possible cure for diseases like cerebral palsy and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Studies are also getting conducted to understand the benefit of stem cells in the treatment of autism.

4.  It can be used by other siblings and family members.

Your Childs’s stem cell can help him fight against future medical emergencies. Hence, if you have a family history of rare diseases like cancer, leukemia, sickle cell anemia, etc., it is advisable to store your child’s cord blood. This is also recommended when one of the parents is adopted, or you are unsure about your medical history.

Stem cells can also be helpful in the case of a sibling or other family members. If you have a sick child that can benefit from the transfusion, it is quintessential to store your child’s stem cells. Family members with a rare disease can also be a potential match and use your newborn’s stem cells.

5.  It can be a gift of life for someone else.

You can store the stem cells exclusively for your family with a private bank. However, this requires a large investment in the form of registration charges and monthly fees.

Many parents today are choosing to donate their child’s umbilical cord blood to public banks. It can save a potential match’s life. The cord blood in public banks can also help in research and contribute to medical advancements.

Hence, there are numerous uses of cord blood and tissue banking and can help save lives. These benefits necessitate that you chose to preserve your child’s stem cells either with a public or a private cord blood bank.

Herpes: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The mere thought of contracting herpes is scary. However, here is a useful guide highlighting the symptoms, causes, and over the counter medication for herpes.

What Is Herpes?

Herpes is the common name of the herpes simplex virus. The two common viral strains of herpes are HSV-1 and HSV-2. Some people have repeated episodes of cold sores on their mouths; these are caused due to the HSV-1 virus strain. Genital herpes, on the other hand, is caused by HSV-2. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is very common among sexually active people.

The tricky thing about herpes infection is that you may not know you have it until a few days or weeks after being exposed to it. If unchecked, you could transmit it to another sexual partner unknowingly. This reiterates the need to always have protected sex with condoms and dental dams, and to get regularly tested for STDs.

What Are the Causes of Herpes?

The virus enters the body through mucous membranes, which are thin layers of tissue that line the openings of your body found in your nose, mouth, and genitals.

Once the virus particles enter the body, they enter the nerve cells of the pelvis and multiply there.

HSV-1 or HSV-2 can be found in people’s bodily fluids, including

• saliva

• semen

• vaginal secretions

What Are the Symptoms of Herpes?

Blistery Sores.

These open sores are one of the most obvious signs of herpes. They look like a blister and are quite painful when they open up. The sore starts out as a white-like blister, then turns red, and then scabs over.

Vaginal Discharge.

Vaginal discharge can be a sign of a multitude of other diseases; however, when they are accompanied by sores, it is probably due to herpes.

Other related symptoms include an itching around your lady parts, and a burning sensation while peeing.

Flu-like Symptoms.

One may experience generalized body ache, have a fever, headache, and chills.

Swollen lymph glands.

Our lymph nodes assist the body in fighting inflammation and infection. When they are actively fighting off the herpes virus, the lymph glands try to trap as many of the virus particles as they can, filling with fluid as a result. One can feel one’s lymph nodes along the underside of one’s jaw, armpits, or around your groin and notice that they feel hard and swollen.

Tingling and burning sensation.

People infected with herpes notice a weird tingling feeling around their genitals and along their legs. This sensation is attributed to the virus inhabiting the nerves, sending a pins-and-needles kind of feeling. It has been studied that taking over the counter medication for herpes or antivirals early can prevent the outbreak from progressing.

Medication for Herpes

If you consult with a physician immediately after the first outbreak, the doctor is likely to prescribe a herpes treatment of antiviral drugs, like Valacyclovir (Valtrex) or Acyclovir, for 7 to 10 days. Over the counter mediation for herpes or antiviral medication are extremely effective at reducing the severity of the symptoms, curbing, and preventing future outbreaks.

The two main antiviral medications—acyclovir and valacyclovir—are FDA-approved antiviral drugs that have been used as trusted herpes treatments for over two decades. The over the counter medications for herpes are available as pills and creams. While they are highly effective in their oral pill form, some studies have pointed out that pairing the pills with the same drugs in a topical cream increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Half-baked knowledge and fear often give rise to more problems than the real problem. Educate yourself and treat the herpes infection with the help of a trusted physician and over the counter medications for herpes.

Easy Ways to Reduce Your Time Spent at the Dentist Office

As adults, we live a busy life with packed schedules and strict deadlines. Taking out time for ourselves is a difficult task in itself. Even when you love the services of your Dentist Office in Springfield VA, you may not have enough time to spend hours getting your dental procedure done.

Also, if you have enough time, you certainly do not want to spend your leisure hours at a dentist’s clinic. However, the duration of your procedure is dependent on your dental issues.

Some dental concerns can be fixed quickly. Others like root canal treatment can take long hours at doctors’ clinics. You may also need to schedule multiple appointments to allow the healing time between procedures.

Here are a few ways that can help you save time during your next visit to your dentist’s clinic.

1. Good oral hygiene

We have all heard the saying “prevention is better than cure”. It is also true in the case of dental care.

Good oral hygiene can help you maintain your pearly whites in the best possible condition. Any minor concerns can then be handled by your Dentist’s Office in Springfield, VA, easily and quickly. You will also reduce the frequency of these visits significantly.

Good oral hygiene includes brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. In addition to that, rinse your mouth thoroughly after each meal to remove food residues. A good mouth wash can help you get rid of bacteria and germs quickly and effectively.

2. Reduce your stress levels

Increased stress levels affect your overall health, and your teeth are no exception. Excessive stress can lead to habits like clenching and grinding your teeth. You can also do it involuntarily in your sleep.

Teeth grinding habits can weaken your enamel. Hence, these issues need to be addressed at the earliest. Also, avoid using your teeth as scissors or a bottle opener. This may seem like a no big deal but can cause damages to your teeth in the long run.

You can accidentally chip or break your tooth, and an appointment to Dentist’s Office in Springfield, VA, may be necessary.

Physical exercises are a great way to release stress from your body. You can also engage in a relaxing activity with your friends or family to manage your cortisol level.

3. Be proactive

Be proactive in your approach to taking care of your dental health. Take the HPV vaccine if you are under forty-five years. The presence of HPV increases your chances of oral cancer. The vaccine is recommended if you are between 9 to 26 years of age and optional up to 45 years of age.

As preventive care, any signs of dental issues like bad breath, cavities, etc. should never be ignored.

As soon as you detect the first signs, you should book an appointment with a Dentist’s Office in Springfield, VA. Fixing these issues early on will help you avoid prolonged treatments in the future.

The above-mentioned ways will help you take care of your oral health. However, if you still need to visit a dentist’s clinic, the following tips can make these visits easier and quicker.

Book your appointments early. Booking your appointments in advance over a call or online will help you avoid the long waiting list outside a Dentist’s Office in Springfield, VA. You can visit the clinic at the scheduled time and save your valuable hours.

4. Have multiple treatments in one visit.

If frequent appointments are something that you want to avoid, you can choose to have multiple treatments at once. Using sedation dentistry, a doctor can help you fix multiple issues all at once.

However, this is not recommended in every case. If you need to have a lot of work done on both sides of your mouth, numbing both sides at once may not be ideal. Also, some treatments require healing time, and multiple procedures may not be possible in a single day.

These are some of the easy ways to reduce your time spent in the dentist’s office.

Cord Blood Banking Costs – What Are The Fees For Banking Cord Blood

Making decisions and taking responsibility is something you need to get accustomed to as soon as you decide to become parents. In recent years, there has been an addition to the long list of choices you need to make for your baby.

The question is: Whether you should or should not bank the stem cells of your child at the time of delivery. And if yes, how it will affect your finances?

Stem cell banking is seen as biological insurance that can help your child in case of future medical emergencies. However, the cost of banking stem cells is a huge investment if you decide to choose a private bank.

Hence, you need to account for these Cord Blood Banking Prices both at the time of delivery and as an addition to your monthly expenses. Let us discuss the cost of banking the stem cell of your child in detail.

What is the cost of saving your child’s cord blood with a private bank?

When you decide to choose a private cord blood bank for your child’s stem cells, the bank will take care of everything including collection, processing, and cryogenically preserving the stem cells. Also, you can be assured that the stem cells of your child will be available for transfusion as and when needed by your family.

The cost of banking your child’s stem cells is a big investment. You need to pay an upfront cost at the time of registration, followed by annual fees.

The upfront cost also called the registration fee varies from $1300 to $2300. It covers the cost of collecting, testing, and registering with the bank.

Apart from this, you need to pay annual fees for storing your stem cells with the stem cell bank. The charges vary from $95 to $130.

What is the cost of saving your child’s cord blood with a public cord blood bank?

If you chose a public cord blood bank for your child’s cord blood, you do not have to pay anything to the bank for collection, processing, testing, or storing the blood cells. The donations to public cord blood banks are collected free of cost.

The public bank will arrange for the collection of cord blood post-delivery. Some banks also accept mail-in donations. However, with public banks, there is no guarantee that you will get your stem cells back in the future if your child needs them.

Why are private cord blood banks so expensive?

Storing the stem cells of your baby is a costly process in itself. The banks are mandatorily required by law to test the blood of the mother for infectious diseases.

Also, the blood needs to be processed to extract stem cells from cord blood. The blood is then tested for CD34 marker and the number of nucleated cells. The sample is also examined to rule out the possibility of bacteria or fungal growth. After that, the cells are frozen with a cryoprotectant.

This extensive process costs hundreds of dollars at its various stages. Also, the private banks have to add a percentage of profit to remain viable.

The process is similar for public banks and is equally expensive. However, you do not have to pay any charges to the public cord blood bank.

Is there any financial assistance or insurance cover for the cost of banking your stem cells?

Usually, insurance companies do not reimburse for any cost associated with banking your child’s stem cells.

However, if you have another kid suffering from a disease where stem cell transfusion can be helpful, you can get some financial assistance from the private cord blood bank.

It depends on the bank’s policy, and you need to have a prior discussion with the bank regarding their schemes.

When it comes to your child’s stem cell, you have three options: a private stem cell bank, a public stem cell bank, or not to store your child’s stem cells. If you do not preserve the cord blood with a bank, it will be disposed of as medical waste.

Hence, we strongly recommend getting your child’s stem cell stored with either a private bank for your family or with a public bank as a gift of life for someone else.

Retirement Planning for Dentists: Investing Today for a Better Tomorrow

Retirement planning for dentists incorporates investing in a plan and preparing to be debt-free when it is time to stop working. As the dentists plan for retirement, they must compose an exit plan that will enhance their cash flow. It will assist them in funding the retirement years and let them enjoy the retirement life to the fullest. So, as a dentist, you should not only take care of your patients but also your own life. But if you are a dentist, you must be unaware of the types, benefits, and do’s or don’ts of a retirement plan. So, to assist you with this, this article will explain those in simple words. Let us check them out to know everything about retirement planning for dentists.

Types of retirement plan

There are several alternatives to choose from when looking for a retirement plan. Three of the most prevalent plans are the 401(k), the SIMPLE IRA, and the SEP-IRA. All of them have specific requirements and benefits. But do you know them? If no, then discussing the plans with an accountant or financial advisor is the best possible choice for you. They will help you in determining which one is the most suitable one for you. But remember that since the money and the future is yours, you should think carefully before investing. So, always ask questions and clear your doubts. With prior knowledge, you can reap out the maximum advantages of a retirement plan.

Do’s of the retirement plan

• Design a transition plan

• Appoint an expert accountant or financial advisor

• Find the right plan

Don’ts of a retirement plan

• Never slow down on work

• Never let the practice fall behind

• Never forget about your requirements

Benefits of retirement plan

To get a worry-free future, dentists and their team members will require a valuable retirement plan. But they should be aware of the advantages it provides. With better knowledge of how it works and its benefits, they can have peace of mind in the end. So, let us look at its advantages.

• Employee satisfaction

Employees or team members prefer to work in an organization where they will get several benefits. So, if anyone provides them with a retirement plan with multiple advantages, they feel valued and further results in enhanced loyalty. Besides, they will work more to flourish your market. So, with a retirement, not only the owner will get benefitted, but the team members will also obtain many benefits.

• Tax-reducing expenditure

Several retirement programs need a small employer-sponsored contribution that leads to tax profits. It has several tax benefits like reducing the income tax amount when you pay during anyone’s retirement. As a result, you can pay them as much as possible without spending much on tax.

• Other tax benefits

From the above discussion, we can see that we can save some bucks by reducing tax amounts. Additionally, putting money into a beneficial retirement program offers tax-deferred ad compounding growth. It suggests that you do not require to pay income tax on dividends, interest, or capital gains. After all, no one wants to pay taxes. So, opting for a retirement plan is the most advantageous choice for anyone.

• Peace of mind

The most prevalent advantage of a retirement plan is that you can stay tension-free about the future. Advance retirement planning not only lessens the stress but also in the years leading up to it. The lack of proper planning leads to a myriad of uncertainty that might create unwanted complications and stress.

• Cost-saving

There are various ways to decrease costs with relevant planning. While giving money to a proper retirement plan, the premium is given on a pretax basis and helps you in saving money. Besides, some insurance policies need lower premiums which also assists you in saving more.

Pediatrics — Helping Your Child

Finding the right healthcare for your family is a top concern for every parent. In fact, finding great children’s health care services nearby is one of the first worries. Although it is possible, it is not enough to just take your child to a nearby medical clinic or the hospital when something goes wrong. Having a pediatrician in your pocket should be your choice. Here are some of the top reasons to choose Jax pediatrics.

Pediatrics will set your worries at rest

Pediatrics in Jax offer qualified pediatricians who are always ready to see your child and be of all the help they can be. A good pediatrician knows that it’s not always easy to find someone quickly because emergencies can happen at any time. That’s why they are emergencies! So, when you have a pediatrician who knows your child and understands their health issues, then that is calming, and it puts you a step closer to knowing that everything will be all right. The pediatricians are there to help.

Pediatricians are specialists in children’s health

Medical professionals all specialize in something. Pediatricians specialize in providing medical care to children, and in understanding the ailments and health care issues that children have. If there are any significant concerns that parents would like to discuss with their children’s doctor then dedicated pediatrics in Jax will be helpful without being time consuming, frustrating, or costly.

Pediatricians know how to talk to children and to ease the minds of worried parents

Not every doctor knows how to talk to children and about children in the way a pediatrician does. The offices for pediatrics in Jax are child-friendly, and that means that children don’t worry or feel afraid when they go and see their doctor. Helping children is as much about appealing to children with the services provided.

Pediatricians are always there

Parents and caregivers can breathe easier knowing that they will always be able to see the pediatrician when they need to. Here, pediatrics in Jax help because they are always available. It is easy to make an appointment, and it is just as easy to see someone when it is necessary, 24-7. Pediatrics in Jax is close by, easy to access, and they have the expertise and knowledge to help your child right now.

Children need the same doctor until adulthood

When parents choose pediatrics in Jax instead of the family doctor, the pediatrician and the Pediatrics Care Center are there to help the child throughout their childhood. Imagine the comfort of knowing that your child will be seen at the same place from infancy to adulthood. That means that they will have records of health history and medication records that are kept for all those years. It is a big help and a peace of mind knowing that someone remembers exactly what that medicine was that was taken for a while back in the first grade!

Pediatric Care Centers in Jacksonville are more than just a clinic for the sick

Children can have all kinds of health issues, from a broken bone emergency to insomnia, to ADHD. If a parent does not have a pediatrician to see their child for all issues, then life becomes a constant search for a new specialist. Pediatrics in Jax can help with what you need. They put parents and children first.

Your child will always be served by the centers for pediatrics in Jax. The clinics are open every day, all day, and there is always a real person there answering the phone, ready to help you. Our services are dedicated to children, and we are dedicated to keeping children out of the emergency rooms! We cost less than an ER visit as well.

When you are choosing a great pediatrician in Jacksonville to help your child, look for a pediatrician and a center that provides quality care for all needs. Look for a place where all the staff has the proper compassion, the patience, and the commitment to provide that care. These things are essential. Find out as much as you can about the pediatrician and the pediatric care center that you are considering and choose the center for pediatrics in Jax that is close to where you live, but that also has the necessary skills to help.

Types of Cord Blood Banks – Understand the Difference to Select the Right Bank

Preparing to welcome your newborn into your house involves making numerous decisions. Some of these decisions are more crucial than others and can affect the life and health of your child in future years. One such decision involves choosing the right cord blood bank for your kid.

After you have decided to preserve the cord blood of your child, you need to make another decision. Do you want to store it in a private cord blood bank or a public cord blood bank?

To make the right choice, you must understand the difference between these two banks and their advantages and disadvantages. Let us discuss this in more detail.

Private cord blood bank.

Private cord blood banks are the banks where you can store your child’s cord blood upon the payment of certain charges. The cost of storage includes a one-time payment and monthly fees to the cord blood bank.

The blood is owned by you and your family and can be used in case of any future emergencies. You can use the stem cells for your child, their siblings, or any other family member. The company is solely responsible for storing the cord blood and making it available on demand.

Storing your child’s cord blood in a private bank is advisable if you have a family history of the disease, which puts your baby at genetic risk. You can also store the stem cells if your family member is suffering from an ailment and can benefit from a stem cell transfusion.

Also, parents can store the blood cells as a precautionary measure to treat any future diseases. However, it is crucial to note that even the experts can’t foretell the viability of your stem cells after twenty years of their storage. Also, cord blood banking involves huge investment, and the chances of using these stem cells are remote.

The usability of stem cells for future ailments depends on their proper storage. Hence, it is important to choose a competent private cord blood bank after thorough research.

Public cord blood bank

In the case of a private cord blood bank, you donate your baby’s cord blood to the bank, and it becomes their property post-donation. Cord blood with enough stem cells for medical usage is tested and given to a person who is a genetic match.

Cord blood can aid in medical treatments and can treat many diseases. Hence, people are encouraged to donate their child’s cord blood to a public bank, where it can save lives.

If the stem cells in the cord blood are not enough for medical use, the blood is given for research. The research aids in medical advancements, which helps numerous people in the future.

Donation from People with mixed ethnicities is crucial as such donations are rare and can save someone’s life.

Donating your child’s cord blood is free, and the bank pays for the collection and storage of stem cells. If your hospital has partnered with a public bank, you can donate to such a bank, or else, you will need to find a public bank in your area.

Post-donation, the cord blood becomes the property of the public cord blood bank and cannot be used for your child’s future needs.

All decisions regarding the usage of cord blood are taken by the cord blood banking company. You will not be able to determine what happens to your child’s cord blood.

There are numerous cord blood bank companies in the market that make the choice even more difficult. Now that you know the difference between private and public cord blood banks, you can make an informed decision about your child’s future.

Once you have chosen the type of bank, it is essential to do some research to ensure that the bank is competent to store your cord blood and make it available for future treatment.

Is Vaping Safe? -The Truth About Vaping

Revisions in vaping laws have given rise to many questions pertaining to the safety of the vaping practice. Is vaping safe? Is it truly an alternative to smoking? Is it addictive and many more such questions? Let us understand the basics of vaping in order to get answers to these piercing questions.

Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes or vaporizers, are battery-powered devices that mimic the action of smoking. E-cigarettes contain a liquid-filled cartridge.

The liquid gets heated with the help of an atomizer. A heated filament in the atomizer vaporizes the liquid to produce a gas. The gas condenses with water in the atmosphere to form an inhalable aerosol.

The liquid, also known as e-liquid, e-fluid, e-juice, or vape juice is composed of water, nicotine, flavorings, and a propylene glycol (PG) or vegetable glycerin (VG) base (or sometimes a mixture of PG and VG).

The process of using such e-cigarettes is referred to as vaping.

Is Vaping Safe?

A 2019 study by the British Heart Foundation suggests that vaping may be less harmful to one’s blood vessels than smoking cigarettes1. The study was conducted on 114 people all of whom had smoked at least 15 cigarettes a day for at least two years. Within just one month of switching tobacco for electronic cigarettes, measures of the subjects’ blood vessel health, including blood pressure and stiffness of their arteries, had begun to show improvement. This shows that vaping may be less harmful to one’s blood vessels than smoking cigarettes.

Although, less harmful does not translate to completely safe.

It is evident due to multiple studies that vaping contains significantly fewer harmful chemicals. However, there is a lack of data pointing towards the long-term impact of the chemicals on heart health and other general aspects of health.

Experts are against the use of e-cigarettes and vaping by people who do not smoke, already. Although, vaping has also been recognized as a useful tool to help people quit smoking completely.

Many smokers with a heart condition have attempted to quit in the past and failed. Experts say, in such a case, an electronic cigarette makes quitting smoking a lot easier. Further down the line, though, it is important for people with a heart condition to quit vaping too.

Supporters believe that responsible marketing and regulation are needed to ensure the appropriate use, which will help spread the positive impact of vaping far and beyond. A report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention further highlights the need for appropriate regulations2. According to their report, as of mid-January 2020, more than 2,600 people were hospitalized for e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury or related deaths. The majority of the cases were seen in people who admitted to having used illegal, unregulated vaping products, such as illicit vaping fluids containing THC, a derivative of cannabis, and vitamin E acetate.

In conclusion, those using vaping to quit smoking should only consume regulated products. Individuals e-cigarettes as a quitting tool should reduce the nicotine they vape and then stop when they feel the time is right. It is important for such individuals to recognize their own pace and act judiciously.

Some experts have even gone on to claim that to really feel the benefits of using an e-cigarette, one must stop smoking cigarettes completely. Once an individual quits smoking, the health benefits of smoking cessation are readily apparent. The risk of having a stroke or a heart attack begins to go down within a few hours, while the risk of getting cancer also begins to go down. Furthermore, symptoms of cough and sputum also begin to improve.

What You Should Know About Chlamydia?

According to CDC, Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease reported in the US. Almost four million people were infected with chlamydia in 2018. Many more were estimated as most people do not report Chlamydia because it can asymptomatic, meaning to have no or very minimal symptoms. It is also estimated that 1 in 20 sexually active women in the age of 14-24 years has Chlamydia.

What is Chlamydia?

Chlamydia belongs to a class of sexually transmitted diseases (like HIV, Gonorhhea) which attacks on the rectum, genitals and the throat . It is the most common STD transmitted by bacteria. Chlamydia Trachomatis is the most common culprit here. Although, we can’t callit the culprit, it is just doing its job. A pregnant woman can pass it to the foetus.

It can permanently damage the female reproductive system nulling the chanes of pregnancies. It can also give birth to ectopic pregnanicies (when the egg attaches itself anywhere outside the uterus).

How does Chlamydia spread?

As said earlier, the most common way to get Chlamydia is to have sexual intercourse without proper precautions (like not using the condoms. However, this is not the only case. If you’re getting oral sex from a person infected with Chlamydia in the mouth and throat, then you can also get the infection.

You can also get the infection if you’re giving oral sex to a person with chlamydia infected genitals. Other that these, rimming (oral-anal) contact can also cause Chlamydia.

What are the symptoms of Chlamydia?

Chlamydia can be asymptomatic too, which results in people not getting tested for it and spreading it through sexual encounters. Although there no vaccines to treat Chlamydia, Chlamydia medications can help with the symptoms. Some common symptoms of Chlamydia are:

When symptoms do occur, they usually take 2 to 3 weeks to appear but it can take as long as six weeks. Common symptoms vary depending on where the infection is:

●  Infections of the genitals can cause an unusual fluid (or discharge) to come out of the vagina or the penis, and pain when urinating (peeing).

●  Rectal infections can cause discharge or bleeding from the anus and pain in the anus.

●  Throat or mouth infections can cause a sore throat.

If it is not treated, chlamydia may lead to infertility, abdominal pain or pregnancy complications.

How to treat Chlamydia?

As mentioned earlier, there are no vaccines for chlamydia. So, you can’t get a shot and stay infection-free all your life. However, there are Chlamydia medicines which you can take to lower the spread of infections and other symptoms.

Chlamydia can be treated in two ways, the first one is a single dose and the second one is a course of aitbiotics. Your doctor will suggest you which way to go, so it is absolutely necessary to get tested right away if you feel you have Chlamydia.

If you’re given a single dose you should refrain from having sex for atleast seven days. If you’re doing an antibiotic course, you should refrain from sex until the course gets over.

What happens if you don’t treat Chlamydia?

The symptoms of Chlamydia can be different for men and women. Usually, Chlamydia pills can easily treat the infection. However, some people are ignorant about the infection or even try to treat it by themselves. In men, Chlamydia rarely does any real damage. The infections can spread up to the vas deferens which carries the sperm and bring out fever and pain. Chlamydia related conditions when men cannot have babies is really rare.

However, this is totally opposite in women. Chlamydia pills and doses, if not taken, can spread the infection to the fallopian tubes and the uterus leading to pelvic inflamatory disease. PID can cause permanent pelvic pain, inability to get pregnant, and even ectopic pregnancies.


Chlamydia is pretty common in teenagers and people in their twenties. It is also very common to talk about it in public. You can also discuss this with your partners and family. Wearing condoms is the safest way to deal with this infection. And if you have it, please go to the doctor.

Can Storing Immune Cells Help Against Future Disease?

Our immune system consists of special organs, cells, and chemicals that help our body to fight against foreign microbes. It allows us to stay free from diseases and infection and is the body’s first line of defense. Numerous microbes find their way into our system daily and it is the immune system that ensures the smooth functioning of the body.

While preserving stem cells, cell tissue and other blood products have been there for a while. Immune cell banking is a fairly recent advancement. The revolutionizing technique is related to obtaining, processing, and preserving immune cells for future immunotherapy treatment.

With over 1000 clinical trials the technique is being seen as a trailblazing endeavor in the medicine world. Let’s discuss Immune cell banking in more detail.

What is immune cell banking?

Immune cell banking involves obtaining and preserving your immune cells for any potential future usage. The immunotherapy treatment uses these preserved cells to combat infection and diseases and uses the power of our immune system to achieve unprecedented results.

How immune cell banking works?

Immune cell banking involves a simple procedure of collecting 200 ml of blood from a healthy individual. The blood collected is then processed and segregated into different components. It is them cryogenically frozen and preserved for any potential future use.

Your immune cell bank is responsible for storing your immune cells safely and ensuring their availability for immunotherapy treatment.

The process involves a monthly payment to your immune cell bank along with a setup fee. Immune cell banking is an investment for health-conscious individuals that provides you protection against future ailments.

Immunotherapy is being seen as a groundbreaking approach to treatment in modern science and an investment that can ensure your future wellness. It uses preserved healthy immune cells to treat diseased cells like cancer cells. They can scan and locate mutation and your immune cells work towards destroying those mutations.

Who is eligible for immune cell banking?

Anyone with a healthy immune system is eligible for immune cell banking. This will create a pool of healthy cells that can be infused into your body as and when you need it.

People with a family history of cancer or other genetic diseases are at the highest risk. If you have a family history of such ailments immune cell banking can be extremely helpful. This can be a proactive measure to ward off any possibilities of the disease.

What Is the ideal age for immune cell banking?

Anyone in the age bracket of eighteen to sixty years can preserve their immune cells. However, the earlier you start the better it is. You should start the process when your body is the healthiest.

The human body has a strong immune system that deteriorates with age and loses its ability to fight infection and diseases. Older people are more susceptible to disease and infection.
The idea behinds immune cell banking is to preserve your healthy cells when your young and use them in the later stages of your life. Hence you should start your immune cell banking as early as possible.

How to choose an ideal immune cell bank?

Choosing an immune cell bank is quintessential to your proactive step in ensuring your future health. The technique is relatively new and you have limited options to choose from.
While choosing an immune cell bank you need to ensure that they are capable of preserving as well making your immune cells available at the time of need.

The method for storing your cells is another aspect that demands your attention. The manual method is labor-intensive and more prone to human error. This can affect the quality and efficacy of your cells. An automated system ensures error-free and contamination-free storage.

Also, the number of cells obtained and preserved is extremely important as CAR-T therapy and other types of immunotherapy require a huge volume of immune cells.

With numerous pharmaceutical companies investing in research and clinical trial, the technique can bring promising results in the future. Immune cell banking is a step you can take today to eliminate the chances of future ailments.