What to Do If You Have Tooth Pain?

The obvious solution for a toothache is to seek professional help from a dentist. But, sometimes, it becomes impossible to get immediate help from the dentists. Probably you cannot reach the doctor right away, or the appointment can get delayed. So, before consulting with a dentist or getting medical help, you should do something to reduce tooth pain. Toothache is not something anyone wants to endure for long. But, like pain and soreness in any body part, toothache also signals something is not right in the oral portion.

So, while considering the fact about minimizing the tooth pain, you should also find the cause behind the soreness. Several issues, including tooth decay, tooth fracture, damaged filling, and infected gums can result in oral pain. So, if you notice swollen gums or face, red bumps in the mouth, fever, blood in the oral area, or broken teeth, try to make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. Meanwhile, you can try our suggested ways to reduce the soreness of your teeth.

Doctor’s suggested various strategies to reduce the toothache

Before going through the strategies, you need to remember that home remedies are not a substitute for the professional’s help. For any oral discomfort and tooth pain, you need to consult an expert dentist immediately. But, our suggested strategies can offer you some momentary relief.

So, if you are desperately seeking temporary toothache relief while waiting for a dental appointment, the below treatments can come to the rescue.

● Put a cold compress.

Minimizing the inflammation and soreness in the teeth area is a familiar way to pause a toothache. So, you can place a cold bag or a pack of frozen fruits and vegetables on the swollen portion of your mouth. Put the bag for a straight 20 minutes to get instant relief from severe toothache. Also, do not forget to use a cotton cloth on the place after every few minutes to prevent skin damage.

● Rinse your mouth with saltwater

Who does not know the instant home remedy of rinsing the mouth with saltwater? While the saltwater reduces infections and offers momentary relief from excessive pain, it also cures oral wounds and minimizes swollen gums. So, add a decent amount of salt in warm or lukewarm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly with it. Even professional dentists recommend this tactic as a proven way to reduce toothache.

● The hot bag helps relieve the pain.

Placing a hot bag on the infected or swollen portion of the mouth is a proven strategy to minimize Tooth Pain Springfield VA. So, if you feel discomfort and severe tooth pain, place a hot bag or a sock filled with heated rice on one side of your jaw. To make this homemade rice-filled sock, put a handful of rice in a sock and tie the end. Then, microwave the sock to make it a homemade hot bag.

● Peppermint tea bags offer momentary relief.

Peppermint tea bags have been an age-old pain relief strategy, especially, in the case of toothache. It is also a safe way to reduce soreness and inflammation of the oral portion compared to taking over-the-counter medications. So, if you are looking for a safe tooth pain relief strategy, freeze your peppermint tea bag. Then, apply the bag to the swollen gum to receive a pleasing sensation.

● Garlic kills oral bacteria.

If you are searching for an antibacterial property to reduce Tooth Pain in Springfield, VA, use the garlic from your pantry. Since garlic has medicinal properties and acts as a painkiller by destroying harmful bacteria, apply garlic paste on the affected area to receive momentary relief. You can also chew some garlic cloves to minimize the pain and soreness.

● Traditional clove oil reduces inflammation.

Clove oil has been an ancient tooth pain reliever in human history. While the clove oil decreases oral pain and numbness, the eugenol in the clove acts as a natural antiseptic for sterilizing the wounds. So, put an adequate amount of clove oil on a disinfected cotton ball and dab it on the infected area.