When to Visit an Emergency Dentist

Anyone facing a dental emergency will realize what a boon it is to have access to an emergency dentist. Your regular dentist may or may not offer emergency dentistry services. In case of a dental emergency, you will need to visit a clinic offering treatments for the same.

You can find an emergency dentist near you via ‘nearby’ online searches. Use keywords such as emergency dentist near me to find websites of dentists or clinics offering emergency dentistry. Keep the number of a good clinic or dentist with you in case of oral emergencies. If your regular dentist doesn’t offer emergency services, you may even want to find a new one offering all types of treatments.

Here’s when to visit an emergency dentist.

Oral Injuries

Oral injuries can occur at any time. Accidents and falls often result in cuts or bruises inside the mouth. It is easy to break a tooth during falls or accidents. You can even sustain oral injuries while playing a sport.

Cuts inside the cheek and on the lips require emergency care. The same applies if you have a broken, cracked, or chipped tooth. Any injury to the jaw will also require an assessment from your dentist.

If you experience any of the above, seek emergency dental treatment without delay. If your child experiences any oral injury, immediately call your pediatric dentist who is very likely to offer emergency services. If not then seek treatment from any good emergency dentist.

You might have trauma to your gums due to injuries. Oral injuries may also cause gums to bleed.

Even if you don’t have any broken tooth, see your dentist in case you sustain an oral injury. You can speak with your dentist if the injury doesn’t seem too severe. Your dentist or the staff at the dental clinic can guide you about the next steps to take. Perhaps you may not require visiting the clinic immediately. But it is important that you consult with your dentist.

If your tooth is broken or cracked, you may risk losing it with delayed treatment. Your dentist may be able to save a tooth if it is hanging from the roots or have a crack or two. But without timely treatment, this is not possible.

Your emergency dentist or the clinic staff may also recommend steps to take to keep the broken tooth safe. If the tooth has completely fallen out, some dentists recommend soaking it in milk immediately to save it. The use of ice packs on the injury site is another recommendation to stop the bleeding while you reach the clinic.

Severe Ache

Tooth ache can occur any time even without you sustaining any injury. You may feel the ache is sudden. But it may be building slowly over the weeks. Any problem with gums or teeth can result in pain. If the pain is severe, you may need to call your emergency dentist to ask about the next steps.

Your dentist may recommend OTC medicines to counter the pain temporarily before you can visit the clinic. If your dentist feels your problem requires an immediate checkup in person, then that will be the recommendation from him or her.

Pain can result from infections or any other reason. If you have a condition like diabetes then you may experience problems or pain with your gums. Bleeding gums due to diabetes or any other reason can also cause pain.

Essentially, do not ignore any pain in your oral cavity. Call your emergency dentist immediately.


Tooth infection is a common problem. Once an infection occurs, there is nothing you can do about it other than seeking treatment for it. Oftentimes; your emergency dentist will need to perform a root canal procedure immediately to treat the cause of the pain. It can also be treated with medicines. But there is no way to know unless your dentist examines you.

If your gums bleed regularly or often, it may be a sign of infection in your dental roots, pulp, or gums. It is best to reveal this to your dentist during your preventive checkups.

Do not hesitate to call your emergency dentist in case of any of the above problems.